Injicerbare steroider
Injicerbare steroider er anabolika, der sælges og indtages i en flydende opløsning. Atleter udfører indsprøjtninger direkte i musklerne og dermed kommer stoffer hurtigere ind i blodbanen. Dette giver en hurtigere effekt og færre bivirkninger, hvis vi sammenligner Injicerbare steroider med Orale steroider.
Vores injicerbare steroidbeholdning er fuld af de mest populære produkter som Testosteron Cypionate, Enanthate, Propionate, Sustanon 250, Deca Durabolin (Nandrolone), Equipoise (Boldenone), Masteron, Parabolan, Primobolan, Winstrol og Trenbolone.
Injicerbare steroider tilbydes også til salg med offshore levering. Det betyder, at du køber dem helt lovligt. Produkter sendes fra lande, hvor steroider ikke er forbudt på almindelige apoteker og kan fås uden recept. Så at købe Injicerbare steroider er muligt for enhver atlet i Danmark nu (ikke kun medlemmer af officielle olympiske hold).
Hvis du beslutter dig for at afgive en ordre, vil vi kunne tilbyde dig sikre kreditkortbetalinger og sikker hurtig levering, der tager fra 5 til 15 hverdage.
Produkter sendes via sporbar levering, og du kan til enhver tid tjekke status på forsendelsessiden med din angivne sporingskode, der sendes efter købet er gennemført.
Hvis en væske ankommer beskadiget, tilbyder vi én gratis genforsendelse. Men vær sikker på, at du giver en videofil af dig, når du pakker ordren ud. På denne måde vil vi være i stand til at kræve forsikring fra kurerfirmaet og genforsende dine produkter gratis.
Substance: Dihydroboldenone Cypionate
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (200 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK454.30
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 5 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK469.40
Alphabolin (hætteglas)
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK946.50
Substance: Trenbolone
Package: 10 ampuller (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK681.40
Substance: Testosterone suspension
Package: 12 ampuller (25mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd, India
Price: DKK499.70
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK431.60
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK454.30
Boldebolin (hætteglas)
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK431.60
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ampuller (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK522.50
Substance: Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate, Drostanolone Enanthate
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (300 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK810.20
Cut Mix 150
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 ampuller (150mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK583.00
Cypionate 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Deca 300
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK541.40
Deca 500
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (500 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK666.30
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10 ampuller (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK461.80
Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK590.50
Enanthate 250
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK416.40
Enanthate 400 (Testosterone Enanthate Injection 400mg/ml)
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (400 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK492.10
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK363.40
EQ 200 / Test E 200
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose) , Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (400 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK492.10
EQ 300
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ampuller (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK541.40
EQ 500
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (500 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK658.70
Equipoise Bold-Max
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK552.70
Substance: Mix of Clenbuterol and Yohimbine
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (5.8mg /ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK272.50
Induject-250 (ampuller)
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Induject-250 (hætteglas)
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Legit Testosterone Cypionate 250mg Injection
Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK363.40
Magnum Bold 300
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ampuller (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK465.60
Magnum Drostan-P 100
Substance: Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)
Package: 5 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK249.80
Magnum Mag-Jack 250
Substance: Trenbolone Acetate, Drostanolone Propionate, Testosterone Propionate
Package: 5 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK681.40
Magnum Nandro-Plex 300
Substance: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Nandrolone Decanoate
Package: 10 ampuller (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK537.50
Magnum Primo 100
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 5 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK393.60
Magnum Stanol-AQ 100
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK363.40
Magnum Test-E 300
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK393.60
Magnum Test-Plex 300
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK408.80
Magnum Test-Prop 100
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK234.70
Magnum Test-R 200
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 ampuller (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK310.40
Magnum Tren-E 200
Substance: Trenbolone enanthate
Package: 5 ampuller (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Magnum Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK416.40
Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK477.00
Mastebolin (hætteglas)
Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK477.00
Masteron 100
Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (100 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK537.50
Masteron 200
Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Package: 10 ampuller (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK734.40
Substance: Drostanolone propionate (Masteron)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK643.60
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK386.20
N-Lone-D 100
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK522.50
N-Lone-D 300
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK567.90
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK590.50
Nandrobolin (hætteglas)
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK590.50
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK567.90
Nandrorapid (hætteglas)
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK567.90
NPP 150
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10 ampuller (150mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK393.60
Parabolan 100
Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (100 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK863.20
Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Package: 5×1.5ml ampuller (75mg/1.5ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Pharma 3 Tren 200
Substance: Trenbolone Mix (Tri Tren)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK863.20
Pharma Bold 300
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK507.30
Pharma Bold 500
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (500mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK817.80
Pharma Mix M
Substance: Drostanolone Propionate, Drostanolone Enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK825.30
Pharma Mix-3
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Nandrolone Decanoate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (500mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK976.80
Pharma Mix-4
Substance: Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Decanoate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Nandrolone Decanoate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (600mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK598.10
Pharma Mix-5
Substance: Trenbolone Base, Testosterone Base, Stanozolol Base
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK514.90
Pharma Mix-6
Substance: Trenbolone Enanthate, Testosterone Enanthate, Drostanolone Enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (500mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK1,135.80
Pharma Nan D300
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK560.30
Pharma Nan D600
Substance: Nandrolone decanoate (Deca)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (600mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK855.60
Pharma Nan P100
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK325.60
Pharma Nolt 300
Substance: Nandrolone Propionate, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Nandrolone Decanoate, Nandrolone Laurate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK537.50
Pharma Prim 100
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK946.50
Pharma Stan 50 Oil Base
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK348.20
Pharma Sust 300
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK499.70
Pharma Sust 500
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (500mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK772.40
Pharma Test E300
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (300mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK469.40
Pharma Test Oil Base 100
Substance: Testosterone Base
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK295.20
Pharma Test P100
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK280.10
Pharma Tren 50
Substance: Trenbolone Suspension
Package: 10ml hætteglas (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK333.10
Pharma Tren A100
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK590.50
Pharma Tren E200
Substance: Trenbolone enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (200mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK863.20
Pharma Tren H100
Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs
Price: DKK916.30
Substance: Trenbolone Mix (Tri Tren)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (150mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK825.30
Primobolan 100
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK848.10
Primobolan 200
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (200 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK1,476.60
Substance: Methenolone acetate (Primobolan)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK726.90
Prominate 100
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK681.40
Propionat 100
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK355.80
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK219.50
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 ampuller (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK545.10
Rexogin (hætteglas)
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK545.10
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 ampuller (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK295.20
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 ampuller (50mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK287.70
Suspension 100
Substance: Testosterone suspension
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (100 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK416.40
Sustanon 350
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (350 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK541.40
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK318.00
Test Cypionate without prescription
Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK378.60
Testo-Enan amp
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK371.00
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK378.60
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK408.80
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK408.80
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK272.50
Substance: Testosterone suspension
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK431.60
Testobolin (hætteglas)
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Testobolin (Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml ampuller)
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Substance: Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK355.80
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK196.70
Testorapid (ampuller)
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK340.60
Testorapid (hætteglas)
Substance: Testosterone propionate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK340.60
Testosterone Cypionate (Watson quality)
Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Testosterone Cypionate 250mg injection
Substance: Testosterone cypionate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK416.40
Testovorin Depot-250
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK211.90
Tren-Ace-Max amp
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK620.90
Tren-Ace-Max hætteglas
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK620.90
Substance: Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Package: 10 ampuller/box (75mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme
Price: DKK749.60
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK946.50
Trenbolin (ampuller)
Substance: Trenbolone enanthate
Package: 10 ampuller (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK1,204.00
Trenbolin (hætteglas)
Substance: Trenbolone enanthate
Package: 10ml hætteglas (250mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Price: DKK1,135.80
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (50 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK446.70
Trenbolone 100
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (100 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK537.50
Trenbolone 200
Substance: Trenbolone enanthate
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (200 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK673.90
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10 ampuller (75mg /ml)
Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceuticals
Price: DKK371.00
Substance: Trenbolone acetate
Package: 10 ampuller (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Eminence Labs
Price: DKK492.10
TriTren 150
Substance: Trenbolone Mix (Tri Tren)
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (150 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK832.90
Undecanoate 250
Substance: Testosterone undecanoate
Package: 10 ml hætteglas (250 mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK416.40
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 mL hætteglas (50 mg/mL)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Price: DKK393.60