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Anavar 50

DKK1,771.90 InStock

Dragon Pharma


Oxandrolone (Anavar)


50mg (100 piller)

Quick Overview: Substance: Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Package: 50mg (100 piller)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

Customer Reviews

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    This Dragon Pharma anavar is very versatile and works well with other bases. I’m taking 50 mg of this daily, along with 500 mg of test, and the results have been incredible. I’ve been in the bodybuilding industry for a long time and have never looked better than I do now. My muscle gains were massive and rock-solid, and my strength was unrivaled. I’ve used Dragon’s products such as dbol, eq, clen, test prop, and cyp, and I must say that they were all of the highest quality! Sportslifepower-biz was very professional as well. I’ve tried other sites, but sportslifepower-biz is unrivaled! They ship quickly and handle the packages with care. I highly recommend this!

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    My orders arrived two weeks after I placed them, which was the fastest delivery time I’d ever experienced. This dragon pharma anavar was fantastic. I’m constantly gaining muscle mass and have never had any negative side effects.

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    The quality of this anavar is insane! I never got to have my physique more defined than this and I’m loving the results. This is the best cutting product I’ve ever used!

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    When it comes to sources, Sportslifepower-biz has the quickest delivery. After a few days, I received my package. What I like best about this store is that all of its products are genuine. It passed the roid test, and I was won over. I am certain that I will be a loyal customer for the rest of my life!

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    Everything works great with anavar! My physique became more defined and toned and I can’t be happier! The delivery was also fast so that is a plus!

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